Exam: 9

امتحانات دورالأول الثانوية العامة 2005

Arab republic of Egypt

Ministry of Education

General secondary Education Certificate Examination, 2004

[Second Stage- First Session]

First Foreign Language: ENGLISH (2)                         Time : 3 hours

A - Language Functions

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

The Hurghada Beach Hetel advertised for vacant summer jobs.

Ahmed, who would like to work as a receptionist, is being interviwed by the hotel   


Ahmed      : Good afternoon, sir.

Manager   : Good afternoon. What job are you interested in ?

Ahmed      : ……………………….(1)………………….. .

Manager   : Good command of English is essential for this job.

                     ……………………..(2)……………………before ?

Ahmed      : No, I haven’t. But I’m a member of the English broadcasting society at


Manager   : ……………………..(3)……………………… .

Ahmed      : I don’t mind having long working hours.

Manager   : ……………………..(4)……………………….. .

Ahmed      : I’m ready to work in the mornings and the evenings.

Manager   : When would you be able to start ?

Ahmed      : Right away.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues:

     a) Adel gives his opinion and Hany disagrees.

Adel  : In my opinion, Ronaldo is a brilliant player. He is very skilful.

Hany : ……………………….(1)………………………….. .

b) Wafaa’s sister and her husband have had a baby last week.

Wafaa   : …………………..(2)………………………. .

Mona    : That’s really good news! What are they going to call her ?

Wafaa  : Zizi, I think.

c) Samy asks his brother to lend him his mobile and he agrees.

Samy   : …………………………(3)……………………………….. ?

Brother : ………………………….(4)………………………………. .

B- Vocabulary and Structure

3. Choose the correct answer from a .b.c or d :

1-A……………..eclipse occurs when the earth passes between the sun

   and the moon.

   a) partial              b) solar              c) lunar            d) total

2-The Great Wall of China was built to…………….raiders.

   a) keep up            b) keep in         c) keep down         d) keep out

3-In the future solar heating……………in homes and industry.

   a) is used         b) will be used        c) are used         d) would be used

4-A………………is an expert in a particular area of medicine.

   a) surgeon              b) veterinary           c) specialist             d) nurse

5-I would put on protective glasses if I…………..you.

   a) were              b) will be            c) has been            d) am

6-She gave me a box full of………….that she didn’t need.

   a) give and take                    b) by and large   

   c) odds and ends                  d) now and again

7-I don’t fancy……………..that film. There is a lot of violence in it.

   a) watch            b) watched              c) watches           d) watching

8-I am a young……………in a big company and I am very ambitious.

   a) employee        b) employer       c) employed         d) employment

9-Safiya Zaghlul held a protest march………….the British authorities.

   a) for                  b) against                c) on                  d) with

10-When he got his degree, he thought he could………….and relax.

     a) live and learn                    b) be over the moon              

     c) put his feet up                   d) get in touch

11-Scientists…………….to find more sources of renewable energy.

     a) is wanted           b) am wanted          c) has wanted            d) want

12-A country’s national song is called its…………….anthem.

     a) love         b) independence         c) national          d) international

13-They should have arrived on time, …………… ?

     a) should they       b) shouldn’t they     c) do they       d) don’t they

14-A…………….can travel into space and return to Earth more than once.

     a) shuttle        b) glider     c) plane       d) jet

15-I expect he…………….pass his exams easily.

     a) would             b) should             c) will              d) must

16-Once Ola’s children left home, she had some free time. …………..,

     when the grandchildren arrived, there was more work to do.

     a) However               b) Although               c) So              d) Despite


4. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same 


1-It’s midnight you shouldn’t be doing your homework now.                 (supposed)

2-People today still read doctor Aisha’s books.   (Doctor Aisha’s books)

3-He asked, “Did Hana get treatment ?”     (He wanted to know)

4-They told her it was wonderful that she had passed the driving test.     (congratulated)

5-I like most of my school subjects but not Math.    (although)

C - Reading Comprehension

5. Read and complete the form:

Do you know how to tell the quality of chocolate ? We use all our senses: sight, smell, sound, touch and taste when we assess its quality. A chocolate should be smooth and shiny and should not smell too sweet. It should make a distinct “snap” sound when broken. Chocolate with high cocoa-butter content should quickly start to melt when held in the hand. The basic flavours of chocolate are bitterness with a hint of acidity, sweetness with a suggestion of sourness.

Product we assess












6. Read the following passage then answer the questions:

Natural Remedies

Today, many people use natural ways to cure illnesses that don’t cause side-effects. “Acupuncture” and “biofeedback” are two popular methods. Doctors have been using acupuncture in China for over two thousand years. It involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that they were connected to different organs and could cure diseases.

Today, “acupuncture” is used in many countries, and studies show that it works especially for headaches, backaches and smoking. Since the 1950s, doctors in China have also been using acupuncture in major operations. Patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain. Scientists think that the needles make the body produce a chemical called “endorphin” that helps to reduce the feeling of pain.

Another natural way to cure illnesses is “biofeedback”. It uses technology to help people control their internal organs. For example, if a person has problems with sleeping, he/she is connected to a special computer that shows the activity of the brain. The person then is asked to do some mental exercises to relax. When the brain activity falls and the person is relaxed, the computer makes a noise. Slowly, the person learns what type of mental exercises can help him/her to reduce the activity of the brain.

A) Answer the following:

1-     Why do many people prefer acupuncture and biofeedback to cure diseases ?

2-     How do doctors use acupuncture in operations ?

3-     Biofeedback uses technology to help people control their internal organs. Explain.

4-     What does the underlined word “they” refer to ?

B) Choose the best answer from a , b . c . or d:

5-Doctors in China have been using acupuncture in operations for……….. .

   a) 50 years            b) 52 years            c) 54 years             d) 55 years

6-Endorphin…………….the feeling of pain.

   a) increases                b) grows              c) decreases               d) expands

7-A person who has problems with sleeping is connected to a special computer

   to……………. .

   a) do written exercises                  b) show the activity of the brain                

   c) try to relax                                d) do mental exercises

D-The Novel

7. a) Answer the following questions:

1-     What do you know about Dr Hafez ?

2-     Why did the Incas send the Chimu kings’ sons to Cuzco ?

3-     How were the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians different in the ways they buried their dead ?

  b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:

    “So, you’re not a mining engineer……..”

1-     Who said these words, to whom and where ?

2-     What was the second person accused of ?

3-     How did the man defend himself against this accusation ?

c) Complete the following:

1-     The Incas were tough because…………………… .

2-     It was out of jealousy that Amalia………… .

3-     Pablo had such a hard life that………………… .


E-Writing (6M)

8. Write two paragraphs of five sentences each about:

“Computers in Society”.

Personal computers first appeared in the mid 1970s, and since then they have changed    

our lives forever. How ? What effect have they had ?

Write about the different areas in which we use computers:

Education , business , entertainment , government , communication , offices , …….etc.

F- Translation

9. a)Translate into Arabic:

The terrorist bomb near Al-Azhar was a catastrophe. Killing and wounding innocent people solve no problems. The terrorists wanted to harm the Egyptian tourist industry, but Egypt remains the land of peace forever.

    b) Translate info English:


تنشأ المكتبات العامة في كل مكان لتشجيع أفراد الأسرة على القراءة.



إعرف مستواك في الحال مع هذه الإمتحانات



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