Exam: 12

امتحانات الدور الثاني الثانوية العامة 2006


Ministry of Education

General Secondary Education Certificate Examination 2006

[Second Stage - Second Session]

First Foreign Language: ENGLISH (2)           Time : 3 hours

A - Language Functions

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue. Mr Ahmed has just received the monthly report of his son Ali. He is talking to the class teacher.

Teacher  : Good morning, Mr Ahmed. You look very worried.

Ahmed   : ……………………(1)……………………. .

Teacher  : Last month I sent two notes asking you to come to school but you didn't.

Ahmed   : ………………..(2)…………………… .

Teacher  : This is not an excuse, Mr Ahmed.

Ahmed   : I agree. ………..(3)…………………. ?

Teacher  : You should pay regular visits to school, and you should tell Ali to exert more


Ahmed   : ……………(4)……………. ?

Teacher  : Yes, it is. And I hope Ali will do well.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues:

a- Two friends are talking about reading books.

Hana   : How do you select the books you read?

Leila    : ..................................(1)................................. .

b- Between a policeman and a witness.

Policeman  : .............................. (2)..............................?

Witness    : The thief must have entered through the open window of the Kitchen.

c- Two friends meet by chance. They haven't seen each other for a long time.

Hatem : ............................. (3)................................

Khaled :............................. (4)................................

B- Vocabulary and Structure

3. Choose the correct answer from a .b.c or d :

1- She wondered when ...................... singing with the band.

    a- do I begin    b- did I begin     c- had I begun    d- I had begun

2- When people watch a solar eclipse, they must take their .....................

    a- precautions   b- instructions    c- predictions     d- destructions

3- Put...................... your books, please. I want to set the table for dinner.

    a- off          b- in            c- away          d- up

4- My sister .................. at six tomorrow morning.

    a- arrives        b- arrived         c- has arrived     d" was arrived

5- As cities grow bigger, the amount of land available for farming becomes ………...

    a-deserted      b-limited        c-increased      d-built

6- Scientists tell the age of a tree by .............. the rings in the trunk.

    a- counting up   b- counting down c- counting on  d- counting against

7- The children couldn't play indoors any more ..... they went to club instead.

    a-because      b-for            c-so             d-although

8- Today professor Magdy Yacoub is performing three operations .............

    a- back to back b- back to front   c- now and again d- by and large

9- Hany Hussein is a new star. He has a beautiful singing voice ........... a

talent for dancing and acting.

    a- as long as     b- as well as      c- soon           d- so that

10- If Wael lost his job, he ........... look for work in another city.

      a- will          b- would         c- will not        d- would not

11- The chocolate tasted delicious, ..*.............. it?

      a- isn't          b- wasn't         c- doesn't         d- didn't

12- The boy................. his dog to the gate of his house.

      a-linked        b-connected     c-chained        d-joined

13- After he .................. some good news, he left home.

      a- had received b- has received    c- is received     d- receives

14- She spent many years fighting for women's ..............

   a- opinions      b- rights          c- votes           d- protests

15- Ahmed ................. his project all day.

     a- worked out   b- worked against c- worked up     d- worked on

16- Ali and his brother ................ the desert land and farming it for about

eight years now.     

    a- had been reclaiming            b- would be reclaiming

    c- are reclaiming                     d- have been reclaiming

4. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same 


1-1 wondered how long they had followed me.                  (been)

2- Bravely as they fought, they had no chance of winning.       (although)

3- Rana said, "I am really happy for your success, Hana."   (Rana told....)

4- You weren't supposed to phone me at a late hour of the night. (shouldn't)

5- She said that she hadn't stolen the bicycle.                    (denied)

C - Reading Comprehension

5. Read and then complete the table:

What will life be like in the year 2200. There will be drastic changes in education, transport, housing, the environment, health and life styles. There won't be any classrooms or teachers because children will learn at home with computers. People will use spaceships to visit other planets. People will live in tall buildings made of metal and glass. They won't use petrol or gas, so there won't be much pollution. People will be healthier because there will be cures for all diseases. Finally, people will have more free time because robots will do all the boring jobs.







The environment



















6. Read the following passage then answer the questions:

          Charles was a professor with a huge house and a fortune. Today he lives in a small caravan where there is only second-hand furniture. There are no signs that he was a rich man. He gets his clothes and other things from charity shops.

          This change is not a tragedy. Charles was happy to give up the lifestyle of a rich man. He was tired of being a person who had everything and many people have nothing. He made the choice to give all his money away. He says, it has brought him happiness. "A few years ago," says Charles, "I was a millionaire, but I knew there were a lot of hungry people in the world." So, he gave away all his money to charities. When he had some left, he gave away small banknotes in the streets of local poor areas.

          Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so that they will not have any worries. However, most people never make much money. He decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free. Are there any things he misses? "No, I'm much happier now. I wouldn't go back to being rich for anything - no way."

A) Answer the following:

1- Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?

2- Compare Charles life in the past to his life now.

 3- What does the underlined word "it" refers to?

    4- "I was a millionaire, but I knew there were a lot of hungry people in the world"                According to the passage, what is the role of the rich towards the poor?

B) Choose the best answer from a , b . c . or d:

5- According to the text, Charles has .....................

     a- a family                                     b- a huge house      

     c- everything in the world            d- only a little money

6- Now Charles is very happy because .........................

     a- he is a millionaire             b- he has no money

     c- he misses nothing             d- he live in a small caravan

7- To give away means:

    a- to return                               b- to give someone something you don't need

    c- to stop doing something      d- to change or leave a lifestyle 

D-The Novel (9M)

7. a) Answer the following questions:

1- Leila was helpful, suspicious and brave. Discuss.

2- What was Lander's plan to go out of the country?

3- What was Dr Hafez looking for? Why?

  b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:

"What a coincidence. The world is a small place."

1 -Who said this? To whom?

2- Why did the speaker say these words?

3- What did the speaker say about the person mentioned in the coincidence?

 c) Complete the following:

1- The work in the tomb was tiring because .............................

2- Amalia was a woman of conscience as she ...............................

3- Dr Hafez was shocked and upset when the police told him that Leila……..

E-Writing (6M)

8. Write two paragraphs of five sentences each about:

"What should be done for children's welfare?"

You may use the following:

Duty - government - interest - children / build - kindergartens - provide -means of entertainment / parents - teachers - set good examples / TV programs - carefully chosen / instruction - religion - develop - virtues.

F- Translation

9. a)Translate into Arabic:

          Water will have become one of our most serious problems. Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050, and there could be serious shortages. Water could be the cause of war if we do not act now.

     b) Translate info English:


يستخدم الطلاب المصريون أجهزة الكمبيوتر في مدارسهم و سيكون لذلك أثره العظيم في تقدم مصر.



إعرف مستواك في الحال مع هذه الإمتحانات



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