Exam: 8

امتحانات دورالثاني الثانوية العامة 2004

Arab republic of Egypt

Ministry of Education

General secondary Education Certificate Examination, 2004

[Second Stage- Second Session]

First Foreign Language: ENGLISH (2)                         Time : 3 hours


A - Language Functions

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Mona and Soha about buying a present on Mother’s Day.

Mona      : Soha, nice to meet you here!

Soha       : Oh, hi, Mona. I’m just looking for something to buy for my Mother on

                  Mother’s Day. …………………(1)…………………… ?

Mona      : Why don’t you get her something to wear ?

Soha       : ………………….(2)…………………… .

Mona      : Okay, then. What about a bottle of perfume ?

Soha       : But I got her one for her birthday.

Mona      : …………………..(3)……………………. ?

Soha       : That’s a good idea. Her old bag is falling apart.

Mona     : Great! I’ll come with you if you like.

Soha       : …………………..(4)……………………. .

2. Give the situation for the following mini-dialogues:

1-A : Today we’re going to play the film “The Mask of Gold”. If you have questions, keep

          them till the end.

   B : Are you going to discuss our questions later ?

   A : Yes, but you have to follow up the incidents carefully.

Place         :…………...........................

Speaker A:...........................................

Speaker B:...........................................

2-A : The train which goes to Aswan will leave from platform 7 in about 5 minutes.

   B : Thank you, I’ll have to hurry to catch it.

Place         :…………...........................

Speaker A:...........................................

Speaker B:...........................................


B- Vocabulary and Structure

3. Choose the correct answer from a .b.c or d :

1-Carbon Dioxide is a…………………gas.

   a) partial              b) precious              c) poisonous            d) polluted

2-We went out………………..the rain.

   a) although          b) in spite of       c) despite the fact that         d) even

3-Unless you look at solar eclipse through special glasses, you will

    go………… .

   a) bold                 b) bright                 c) blunt                  d) blind

4-We…………………our old friends for a year. They are too busy.

   a) hadn’t met                         b) didn’t meet   

   c) haven’t met                        d) haven’t been met

5-Our flight will reach our………………at 7 p.m.

   a) destination              b) station            c) location            d) situation

6-I…………….out if it is stormy.

   a) wouldn’t go                            b) won’t go    

   c) wouldn’t have gone               d) hadn’t gone

7-The weather forecast can……………the weather of the following day.

   a) provide            b) prevent              c) pretend           d) predict

8-He takes…………….his father. They look very much like each other.

   a) after              b) over                c) from                 d) down

9-Somalia is suffering a……………….. . There has been no rain for a

    long time.

   a) drought                  b) doubt                c) draught                  d) draft

10-The film was really enjoyable. I wish you……………with us.

     a) would be              b) could be               c) are                 d) had been

11-The……………..is the strongest part of the tree.

     a) fruit              b) branch                  c) trunk                  d) bark

12-Logs are…………….between heavy rollers to break down the wood

      into small chips.

     a) grind               b) ground                c) grinding            d) to grind

13-You have to follow the doctor’s………………to get well soon.

     a) prescription          b) description       c) drawing         d) provision

14-In the future, shopping……………..on the Internet.

     a) will be done        b) will do     c) have been done       d) were done

15-Saad Zaghlool lived in…………….in another country for many years.

     a) exit             b) exhaustion             c) expert              d) exile

16-The river can be used by many ships because of its……………… .

     a) wide               b) width               c) widening              d) widened


4. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same 


1-Sure he didn’t study hard.                 (couldn’t)

2-I arrived very late at the airport. The result was that I missed my plane.   (consequently)

3-The father said to his son that he wouldn’t give him any more money.     (refused)

4-She usually gets up late in the morning.            (is used to)

5-“Will you come tomorrow ?”               (He asked me if)

C - Reading Comprehension

5. Read and complete the form:

In 1898, fourteen years before the Titanic sank, a novelist, Morgan Robertson, wrote a novel about an imaginary ship. It was the newest, biggest, most luxurious ship in the world. It was travelling across the Atlantic to New York on its first voyage and was carrying some of the richest people in the world. On a freezing cold night in April, it hit an iceberg and sank. There weren’t enough lifeboats for everyone, so most of the passengers and crew drowned.

Year Titanic sank

Name of novelist

2 words describing the ship

Destination of the ship

Month it sank

Reason it sank







6. Read the following passage then answer the questions:

          Sleep is a powerful influence on our lives. The traditional theory about sleep is that our brain needs to rest for several hours to refresh itself and to ‘file’ in our memory everything that happened to us during the day. If we are not allowed to sleep, we eventually die.

          However, Ray Meddis, a scientist at University, has a fascinating new theory. He suggests that we don’t really have to sleep at all. We sleep only because our brain is ‘programmed’ to make us do so. According to Dr Meddis, the ‘tiredness’ we feel at the end of the day is produced by a chemical mechanism in the brain which makes us sleep. We are ‘programmed’ to feel ‘sleepy’ at midnight, even if we have spent the day relaxing or doing nothing. He believes that the unpleasant symptoms we suffer when we don’t sleep enough are not because we have not rested, but because we have disobeyed our brain’s programming. But he believes that if scientists could “turn off” the sleep mechanism in our brain, we could live completely normal lives without sleeping.


So is sleeping a waste of time? Even Dr Meddis does not deny the great psychological value of sleep, and he asks us, “if scientists invented a pill which keeps you awake for ever, would you take it ?”

A) Answer the following:

1-     What happens if people don’t sleep ?

2-     According to Dr Meddis, could we live without sleeping ? Why ?

3-     What is Dr Meddis’ theory about the reason for tiredness ?

4-     Would you take a pill to keep you awake forever ? Why ?

B) Choose the best answer from a , b . c . or d:

5-The traditional view is that we sleep because…… .

   a) we are programmed to do so                            b) the brain needs to rest

   c) the body needs to rest                                       d) the memory needs to rest

6-According to the passage, we suffer from unpleasant symptoms when we

   don’t sleep enough because……. .

   a) we have not rested.         b) we feel sick.         c) our brain is turned off                      

   d) we did not follow our normal routine fixed by our mind.

7-The word ‘file’ means:

   a) to cut                  b) to record                 c) to walk                    d) to find

D-The Novel

7. a) Answer the following questions:

1-     What did Leila take with her when she travelled to Peru ? Why ?

2-     Why did the police chief make a telephone call to Dr Hafez ?

3-     Who is Pablo and how was his life like ?

  b) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:

    “Forgive me because it is my fault that you are here

1-     Who said these words, to whom and where ?

2-     Why is the speaker asking for forgiveness ?

3-     What made the speaker make this mistake ?

c) Complete the following:

1-     Beside Leila’s bed, there was a photo of…………………… .

2-     It was difficult for the immigration department to find Lander because………… .

3-     Amalia was as brave and tough as………………… .


E-Writing (6M)

8. Write two paragraphs of five sentences each about:

Choose a job that you would like to do after you graduate. Write about your reasons advantages of working in this career, and the skills and training required for it.

F- Translation

9. a)Translate into Arabic:

The 20th century will be remembered for its scientific revolution. Our age is the age of the atom, space and revolutionary medical achievements. Therefore, conferences are organized to apply and make use of these achievements.

    b) Translate info English:


إن الجهود التي تبذل من أجل تحسين الصحة لا يمكن أن تتم بنجاح إلا بتعاون الأفراد مع الحكومة.



إعرف مستواك في الحال مع هذه الإمتحانات



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